Breaking News

Jerico Vilog

Also known as Salleh. Mostly playing Philippine Ragnarok Online: Valhalla Server. Working as web developer for Hangad I.T. Solutions.

Nintendo 3DS Has Poor Battery Life

Ohh poor, so how can we enjoy gaming while spending our breaktime? Well, at least we have 3D. That’s the shocking truth for pinoy gamers, Nintendo’s upcoming handheld device, the Nintendo 3DS, is expected to only guarantee you of 3 to 5 hours of gaming enjoyment. This is the result of faster processor and eye-popping 3D capability of the upper …

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BIG BASH: Rappelz Launches a New Patch! (Update)

Another BIG BASH coming up for gamers!!! As the year 2011 begins, Rappelz invites everyone to join in the launch of its new patch tagged as, “Obsession.” This grandeur offline celebration will happen on February 19, 2011, 10:00am to 8:00 pm early March at Star Mall Trade Hall, Mandaluyong. Exciting events will keep players at the edge of their seats. …

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Opera Teases Tablet-Compatible Browser

Not that I’m obviously biased towards Opera browser but am happy to show you another category of browser that the Norweigian company is about to introduce. Comes Opera for tablet! Opera is teasing us with their new browser designed specifically for tablets. The video below demonstrates how fluid and smooth scrolling and zooming on Samsung Galaxy Tab. Recently, Opera introduces …

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Rappelz Holiday Greetings

Eaglegames, one of Pinoy Gaming’s active partner, has been actively sending me news releases of their games and one of which is about Rappelz Epic 7. Check out their holiday greetings for you below and please check Rappelz too co’z im sure its another great game from them alongside their popular HighStreet 5. Rappelz Philippines greets you Happy Holidays!!! In …

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