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Mirror’s Edge PC Review

We have had First Person Shooters, First Person Role Playing Games, First Person Turn Based Strategy, now we finally have a First Person Platformer. What's a First Person Platformer you ask? Imagine playing Super Mario Brothers through the eyes of Mario himself. That's exactly what Mirror's Edge feels like and it is interesting to say the least.

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Intel Shows its Fab 32 (Video)

Here’s a video of Intel’s Fab 32 where future microprocessor will be built. Currently, Intel’s Core i7 “Nehalem” is built using 45nm but the soon to come Westmere microprocessor will be built using 32nm process technology.

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Compal President Predicts Windows 7 Release Date

If you have read our previous news articles about Windows 7 then you probably would have known that there are lots of speculations as to the release date of Microsoft’s new operating system Windows 7. New predictions again say that Windows 7 may ship on September or early October. According to Ray Chen, president of Taiwanese notebook maker Compal, Microsoft …

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ATI RV740 Put on Test

Its not yet out nor official but Guru3D already recieved an engineering sample of the first 40nm graphics core from AMD/ATI. Hilbert Hagedoorn of Guru3D published an article about the soon to be announced RV740 graphics card. He even made a benchmark and compared it to HD4850 and HD4830. According to Hilbert, RV740’s performance sits between HD4850 and HD4830. The …

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Trailer: Singularity

Activision has released a new trailer for their upcoming temporal themed shooter Singularity. Meanwhile the game’s official website has now launched offering a Fall 2009 release window. Singularity will run on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360

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Ninja Gaiden Dragonsword Review

Team Ninja has been given the gaming public hours of enjoyment with their Ninja Gaiden series over the years. There have been ups and downs in their journey and through many consoles. Now that they’ve come to the Nintendo DS with Ninja Gaiden Dragonsword (NGDS), its nothing but success.

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Rohan Online CBT Winners

And its concluded, Pinoy Gaming admin team has chosen the best resback line from the contest we made last week. Thanks so much for participating and we hope to see you soon on February 26 in game. Here’s the winner: Toru Takahashi, [email protected], “Pinagbigyan lang kita kanina… para naman makatikim ka ng panalo kahit minsan.” Lois Miranda, [email protected], let me …

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Windows 7 RC 1 Available on April 10

Perhaps considered to be the most anticipated product to be released this year, Windows 7 will reach its first Release Candidate (RC) development on April 10th. Microsoft just announced that Windows 7 will be released on April 10 if there will be no more show-stopping bug to be discovered anytime before the release date. Sinofsky stated that “the [Release Candidate] …

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Quake Live to Open on Feb 24

Quake lovers out there will be greeted with a new game experience by playing our once favorite action packed game Quake III Arena via online play. id Software’s Quake Live is a browser based game featuring Quake III Arena. There’s no need to dig your vault and re-install the game as Quake Live will run on your browser requiring only …

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Bigger Netbook with Ion to Launch by Lenovo

Its bigger, faster and of course heavier netbook to launch this 2009 as Lenovo will lead the adoption of the netbook platform  into 11 and 12 inch territories. Im not sure if you can still call it netbook but Lenovo, according to the chinese newspaper Commercial Times, is planing to launch 11.6 inch and 12.1 inch netbooks with Atom and …

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