Ladies and Gentlemen Boys and girls, children of all ages! We here at Pinoy Gaming Network proudly present to you an opportunity to play the biggest MMORPG to hit the Philippines in a LONG LONG LONG WHILE.
Runes of Magic is the newest MMORPG in the market and we are proud to say that it is NOTHING like any other MMORPG out in the Philippines today. Currently Pinoy Gaming is writing a preview of it to follow up our initial overview.
You can join the fun before many of our kababayans in playing the game. Here’s how we’ll do it.
1. Create an account in our forum here
2. Answer the following questions through a post on this thread:
a. What game company is bringing Runes of Magic into the Philippines?
b. Name all 6 character classes in the game.
3. First 90 players to post their answers on these boards will be given access codes.

To download Runes of Magic client visit this link CLICK HERE
to use the activation code use this link CLICK TO USE ACTIVATION CODE
We’ll see you online then mga kapatid!!!! bago na namang kaadeeekan!!! yokyokyok
enge nmn po ng activation key [email protected] po pa send nmn
follow the directions on how to get one kapatid.
Hello friends!
1.I want to invite you all to play with me at Nexon Studio ROM Server,Chapter 4 Currently Supported.
The best and only server of Runes of magic online,the MMORG where you need to unlock the secrets of Rom to save the world.
– 7x EXP
– 7x Tp
– 3x Drop
– 3x Gold
If you want to join me in this great game,please click on the following links:
Main Site: