Saturday , 8 February 2025
Breaking News

New Chaos on November 14

Level Up! Games finally announced the start of reunifying all subscription based servers of Philippine Ragnarok Online on their official website and is also posted by Carlo Ople, Marketing Manager of Level Up!, at his blog.  The merging is to take place on the midnight of November 14 and is expected to be finished anytime on November 15.

New Chaos will be born out of the three major servers to be merged namely Baldur, Freya and Tyr.  Philippine Ragnarok Online already undergone a major merging of servers before where the first Chaos server was merged to equally populated Loki server that resulted to the creation of Baldur.

The current free to play server, Valhalla and Valkyrie, will not be affected by the merging.

A Frequently Asked Question was posted at the official website to encourage players to prepare for the upcoming merging.

1. What is the new subscription rate for new Chaos?

To be announced

2. What will happen to our accounts after server merge?
2.a. If your account has a total of 9 characters in all three (3) servers (Baldur, Freya and Tyr) and 300 items stored in Kafra, no need to worry; everything will be copied to the new server.

2.b If your account has more than 9 characters (collectively within three servers) but less than or equal to 18 characters, your account will be split into two (2).

2.c If your account has more than 18 characters, your account will be split into three(3).

2.d If your account has more than 300 items but less than 601 stored inside the Kafra storage within the 3 servers, your account will be split into 2.
Example: Freya kafra 300 items, Baldur Kafra 300 items, Tyr 0 item = 2 split accounts
2.e If your account has more than 600 items stored in kafra in 3 servers, your account will be split into 3.
Example: Freya Kafra 299 items, Baldur Kafra 300 items, Tyr Kafra 100 items = 3 split accounts

3. How to avoid split accounts?
3.a. It is very important that the total number of characters in one (1) account DO NOT exceed 9 characters all across three (3) servers (Baldur, Freya and Tyr) and the total number of items stored in Kafra in three (3) servers (Baldur, Freya and Tyr) do not exceed 300.
*ADVISORY: We advise everyone to please delete ALL unnecessary characters or sell useless items in your account. There should be a total of 9 characters and 300 items stored in your Kafra all across three (3) servers (Baldur, Freya and Tyr) before the server merge.

4. If I have split account how do I recover it?
4.a. If your account is split, the original account (your original username) will contain the primary characters (the order of priority is Baldur->Freya->Tyr). Split account username will get a suffix 01 or 02 with same password as their original account.
original username: ragnarok
split account username1 : ragnarok01
split account username 2: ragnarok02

5. What if I have the same character names? Can I change it?
5.a. Characters with the same name will have a suffix added on their names. All characters in Baldur will keep their original name.
Ex – CharKoTo_tyr , CharKoTo_fre

5.b. Characters with a suffix added in their name have 11 days (Nov 15 to Nov 26) to change their names through “Change name” button in the char select screen. After 12 days, the Change Name function will be disabled. You can only change names once.

6. What will happen to my game RoK Points?
6.a. You will keep your RoK points if your account is not split.

6.b. In case your account is split, your primary account will retain the Rok points (the order of priority is Baldur->Freya->Tyr).

6.c. All 2nd and 3rds Accounts will NOT get any Rok Points.

7. Meaning if I’m from FREYA or TYR, I will not get any RoK points in my second account if my account splits?
7.a. Technically, yes. That’s why we encourage everyone to make sure that the total number of characters in your account (in all servers) is nine (9) and Kafra items at 300 pcs or less. This will ensure that your account will not get split and that account will have all the Rok points and game time that you have stored up.

8. What about the gametime for my 2nd or 3rd accounts?
All 2nd or 3rd accounts due to split accounts will have 2 hours game time.

9. Do I keep my Kafra pass?
All Kafra pins will be reset. All you have to do is set a new kafra password.

10. If I’m an Acolyte or Priest, do I keep the saved warp points?
All saved warp points will be deleted. This affects all jobs that have the Warp Portal skill (Acolyte, High Acolyte, Priest, High Priest, Monk, Champion, and Super Novice).

11. How about our quests? Should I start all over again?
11.a. All completed quests by your characters will not be affected, so if the quest is not repeatable, you will not be able to do it again after the merge:
Example: Godly Seals, Sign Quest, etc

11.b. Players should still be able to finish incomplete quests after the merge, but please read the advisory below.

* ADVISORY. We advise everyone who has on-going quests to finish it before the server maintenance on Nov 14 to avoid problems.

12. Our guild owns an Agit in Prontera that has an Economy of 75 and Defense of 100.
12.a Economy and safeguard of all agits will reset back to 1.

12.b All Agit ownership will reset (WOE1 and 2). Players will have to take over Agits again once the server is up after the merge.

13. How about our guilds? I heard that there will be a reset guild or something?

13.a. One of the unique features of this merge is the purging of all guilds. Meaning, guilds will be deleted and refreshed. This is to avoid technical issues and guild bugs that happened on the previous mergers.

13.b. Also, all emperiums will be deleted during the maintenance.

13.c. But don’t worry, once the server is up, the biggest race in the history of Philippine Ragnarok online will commence. “The Ragnarok Amazing Guild Race” will automatically start.

14. I’m the top Alchemist in Freya, do I keep my rank?
14.a All ranking systems will be reset: Alchemist Rankings, Blacksmith Rankings, Taekwon Rankings, Aldebaran Race Track Rankings and Izlude Arena Rankings

15. Hey, are inventory items and items in my cart safe?
Yes. You can store your items in your cart. Items in your inventory should also remain intact. We also recommend that you take screenshots of your most valuable items.

16. Will my main account remain linked to my MyLU account? Will my split accounts be automatically linked to my MyLU account?
Your main account will remain linked to your MyLU account. Split accounts will not be automatically linked. It is recommended that you change your password and keep it to yourself before the merge to ensure that you will be the one to link your split accounts to your MyLU account.

17. What will happen if I have 30,000 pcs of elunium in my Kafra storage in Freya and another 10,000 pcs elunium in Baldur’s kafra storage?
All items in excess of 30,000 limit (ex. elunium) will be deleted. So we advise everyone to sell those excess items before the server merge.

18. I need to delete some of my characters to avoid split account, but I forgot the email. What should I do?
File a ticket in our Customer support page and request for email change. The customer support will give TOP priority to all Ragnarok tickets from Nov 7 to Nov 14th.

19. What about the pk setting of Tyr?
The new Chaos server will apply the settings of Baldur and Freya.

20. How come change name option is not applied to Baldur characters?
As of now, change name option is only available to Freya and Tyr characters affected in the split. But don’t worry, a change name feature is already under development and will be implemented once everything is finalized. Just wait for more updates.

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