Saturday , 8 February 2025
Breaking News
Grand Epic Online Philippines has reached a new milestone for the pinoy gamers by jumping to open beta state. Now everyone has access to the game and enjoy the fun the game is giving.

Grand Epic Online Philippines now at Open Beta

Grand Epic Online (GEO) Philippines has reached a new milestone for the pinoy gamers by jumping to open beta state. Now everyone has access to the game and enjoy the fun the game is giving.

GEO PH is a browser-based game much like most of the games you played at Facebook such as CityVille.

Read the full press release below.

June 15, 2011. Grand Epic Online PH was launched for Open Beta. This 2.5D MMORPG browser game will now deliver the best gaming experience through its unprecedented features such as quest auto-navigation, pet raising, mounting system, polymorphic transformation and many more.This enjoyable journey will allow you to seek the best for yourselves.

Register now by clicking this link: No download required! (You can also login from foreign accounts using the social networks: facebook, friendster, yahoo, google, msn, letsmmo.)

Special in-game events is already prepared for players! Join our Facebook fanpage at for more fun and excitement!

One comment

  1. Hi… I’ve started up a gaming blog: I want the site to get really big, Kotaku big or even better, but to do that the blog needs a lot of content more of the time. I don’t know how many of you out there would be interested, but I want to find some writers for new content. I don’t really have the money to pay for writers, and I can only write a couple posts per day. If anyone is interested in helping out, I know someday we could get very big. When it does, that means free passes to conventions like e3, free games and game systems, previews to unreleased games, and even a job possibly if the site starts to make money. On top of that, you’ll get a cool email like: [email protected].

    Another thing is that consistent writing for the blog would look great on college applications and resumes. There are no minimum requirements, you just have to be able to type English at a 6th grade level and you’re good. You can write about anything you want, really: reviews, news, previews, youtube videos, etc.

    So yeah, if you are interested, just contact me at buddydupre at gmail dot com!

    Thanks guys

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