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Tag Archives: Physics

Just Cause 2 PC Review

You are Rico Rodriguez, a CIA agent with balls the size of 2 hippos tied together. You got thrown into this island nation called Palau and your primary task is to wreck havoc in all conceivable shape and form. You are given a grappling tool that seems to defy the laws of physics and a bag that pulls out infinite parachutes that break your impossible falls and jumps. Sounds like a bad game right? HELL NO!

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Blizzard’s Angle on Diablo 3

07.02.08 A few days after Blizzard announced its new game Diablo 3, we see in the FAQ a few notable things regarding the new release. First, it will run on both Directx 9 and Directx 10.1. Did you guys read that? Directx 10.1. Not Directx 10. Nvidia (makers of the popular Geforce cards) does not support 10.1 only version 10. …

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